There are several basic dog training commands that every dog should know.

It is important to start training your new puppy as soon as you bring it home. Training can be done yourself or a professional can be hired.

 Local dog training classes are often available. Ask your veterinarian to recommend a trainer or look in your local newspaper for a trainer in your area.

Train your dog to sit, stay, lie down, and come when called. With a little practice, your dog will master the basics and have a solid foundation to begin learning more advanced commands.

Basic dog commands include:

 No -- One of the most important commands to teach your dog is the command "no." Not only is this good for family living, it can help you to save your dog's life in a threatening situation. The command is also helpful if you want to re-direct your dog's behavior from a negative behavior, such as chewing on your chair leg, to a positive behavior, such as chewing on his toy. The word No is one word that all dogs must learn. Training your dog to respond to this important word can save you a ton of trouble.

The basic obedience commands for dogs start with Sit and Stay. These commands should be a part of every dog’s vocabulary simply because they make life with a dog much easier. Life is also safer for dogs who respond reliably to these commands.

Sit --"Sit" is one of the simplest commands, but it's incredibly useful--after all, your dog can't jump all over a guest, dash into traffic, or do any number of things you don't want her to do when she's sitting. Training your dog to sit on command is a vital part of any dog training program.

Stay -- A stay can be useful in so many situations, I would even say it is a necessity for pet owners to have. A well trained dog should remain where his or her owner commands, so stay is a very important command in dog training.

Dogs have an amazing capacity to learn commands.
Your dog is your friend, and he really does want to please you. Use a happy voice when you give commands, and a very happy voice when you praise him.

"The earlier you train and make lifestyle rules, the easier your dog will be to handle and the fewer problems you will have. And when you do encounter problems, you will be much better able to resolve them."
- Eric Lundquist, trainer/behaviorist